What Is An ATS? 8 Things You Need to Know About Applicant Tracking Systems

Divyesh Sureja
Read Time: 7 Minutes
What Is An ATS? 8 Things You Need to Know About Applicant Tracking Systems

Many effective recruiting procedures may be attributed to the unsung heroes of applicant tracking systems (ATS). Hiring managers, recruiters, and HR specialists utilise them as vital instruments that simplify, automate, and arrange the sometimes daunting responsibilities associated with selecting the most qualified candidates. It's crucial to know how to use and use your applicant tracking system (ATS) in the modern digital world.

This article will help you better understand these methods and how they may transform the way you hire employees.


Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems: What Is It and Why Does It Matter

Employers' hiring processes are made more efficient by software programmes called applicant tracking systems (ATS). With so many job searches in India, applicant tracking systems (ATS) are essential for managing thousands of resumes and applications in an effective manner. In order to rate candidates, these algorithms automatically process and evaluate resumes, finding keywords that match job descriptions. This guarantees that in a highly competitive job market, potential individuals are not passed over and helps recruiters in India handle the effort associated with recruiting. Job searchers may make sure their resumes stand out in the recruiting process by understanding and optimising for applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Because there are so many job applicants in India, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are becoming more and more common. Employers will find it simpler to sift through and discover viable applicants when using these systems, since they can manage large volumes of resumes and applications. Because the Indian job market is so competitive, applicants need to understand how applicant tracking systems (ATS) operate and how to improve their resumes in order to increase their chances of being recruited.

The usage of keywords is one crucial consideration for ATS users. These programmes analyse resumes and assign a ranking based on pertinent keywords identified in job descriptions. As a result, it is crucial for job searchers to carefully read job listings and customise their resumes by including pertinent keywords that match the position's criteria. By doing this, they will have a better chance of being seen by the hiring manager and the applicant tracking system.

The format of the resume is another thing to take into account. A visually stunning CV could attract the Attendance management software of a hiring manager, but it might not be optimised for applicant tracking systems. In order to make sure that their resumes work with applicant tracking systems (ATS), job seekers should use standard typefaces, headers, and bullet points. Furthermore, since the ATS might not be able to recognise photos or graphics on a resume, it is advised to avoid using them.

Here Is The List Of The Best Applicant Tracking Software List:
  1. Recooty

  2. Greenhouse

  3. Pinpointe

  4. BambooHR

  5. VidCruiter

  6. Recruitee

  7. ClearCompany

  8. Trakstar Perform

  9. Monday.com

  10. Teamtailor

  11. Manatal

  12. Spine

  13. Zoho

1. The ATS Basics: From Job Posting to Onboarding

A hiring process toolkit that includes everything from job request to onboarding, an applicant tracking system (ATS) does more than just store resumes.

  • Job Requisition

Here's where it all starts. An approved user fills out an application for a job in the Appointment reminder software (ARS), describing the position, qualifications, and duties. This request is frequently subject to internal approval procedures, which guarantee that all openings meet the demands and financial constraints of the business.

  • Job Posting

The position's exposure and reach may be increased by having the system automatically post it to many job boards, career websites, and social media channels after it has been approved. Features for job postings also offer templates for unified message and branding.

  • Candidate Sourcing

All applications received through these methods are directed into the applicant tracking system top (ATS), where robust search and parsing tools assist in locating qualified applicants. In order to increase the pool even further, several systems additionally interface with tools for sourcing candidates.

  • Candidate Screening

By establishing precise criteria, the initial phases of the applicant screening process may be automated. ATS filters through applications using AI-enhanced resume parsing, pre-screening questionnaires, and keyword analysis, freeing up human resources for more in-depth evaluations.

  • Interview Management

By scheduling interviews, monitoring feedback, and even recording psychometric evaluations, the ATS streamlines the coordination and communication duties involved at this crucial stage.

  • Job Offer

When the ideal applicant is identified, the system can produce offer letters and oversee the acceptance procedure, making sure the new recruit is given all the information they need, including paperwork, start dates, and perks.

  • Onboarding

 A few ATS systems provide onboarding tools to help a new hire get settled in and make the first few days and weeks of their Employee engagement software.

2. Improving the Candidate Experience

Both positive and negative effects on the applicant experience might be caused by your ATS. Employers benefit from an easy-to-use platform that provides clear communication, speedy application processing, and regular updates.

  • Easy Apply

Applications that are excessively long or difficult to complete are often abandoned by job searchers. You may create an application process that is easy for candidates to use using an applicant tracking system (ATS), enabling them to apply with just a single click.

  • Communication

You may demonstrate that you respect your applicants' time and work by using automated acknowledgments and status updates. Personalised templates help preserve a warm, recognisable communication style.

  • Mobile Accessibility

In today's mobile-first environment, candidates anticipate using their phones to apply and track applications. To keep prospects interested, your applicant tracking system should be completely responsive and provide mobile notifications.

  • Application Review

The perception of your candidate pool may be greatly impacted by how quickly you can evaluate and reply to applications using an applicant tracking system. You may make sure that nobody has to wait too long for an answer by using automation.

3. ATS and Compliance: A Symbiotic Relationship

Compliance and applicant tracking systems go hand in hand. They assist in making sure businesses follow rules and stay out of trouble with the law.

  • EEOC Compliance

To ensure that early-stage screening is impartial, EEOC Compliance ATS can anonymize candidate data by hiding names and other identifying information until a candidate passes particular stages or enters the offer phase.

  • Data Protection

Data security has become critical with the emergence of international data protection laws like GDPR. To secure sensitive data, a strong ATS provides firewalls, stringent access restrictions, and encryption.

  • Reporting

Reporting  best ATS is able to provide compliance reports and assist in tracking pertinent information, including records of interviews and hiring, which is crucial information to have during an audit or review.

4. ATS and Candidate Management: Effective Talent Pipelining

An  best applicant tracking system (ATS) makes the difficult process of managing past, current, and prospective candidates easier.

  • Creating Talent Pools

To build a database of motivated, interested people to draw from when a position like this one becomes available, you can develop talent pools for future positions.

  • Engaging with Candidates

With the tools that top ATS systems frequently offer for mass contact, you may cultivate a connection with prospects that will be important down the road.

  • Keeping the Pipeline Warm

Maintaining a regular talent pipeline evaluation helps to prevent the loss of exceptional applicants. Stale applications might be flagged by ATS automatically, triggering follow-ups.

5. The ATS and Analytics: Measuring Success of Your Hiring Efforts

These days' ATS solutions have analytics reporting features that enable data-driven recruiting.

  • Sourcing Analytics

The top applicants may be found via job boards or sourcing techniques that are identified by Sourcing Analytics ATS. You may adjust your approach to concentrate on the most productive channels with the help of this data.

  • Time to Fill

The time it takes to fill a position can be used to identify process bottlenecks. Using an ATS to track this can result in more efficient and improved processes.

  • Cost Per Hire

An applicant tracking system (ATS) may automate the tracking of expenditures related to each hiring, including staff time, advertising, and recruiter fees, giving an accurate picture of recruiting expenses.

6. ATS and Recruitment Marketing: Attracting Quality Talent

The goal of recruitment marketing is to move people down the recruiting funnel by attracting, motivating, and developing them.

  • Employer Branding

By showcasing what it's like to work at your organisation, an ATS can organise and store marketing information that strengthens your employer brand.

  • Multi-Channel Marketing

Use social media and email marketing strategies to guide applicants through your recruiting process. You may track these touchpoints using ATS in order to refine and advance.

  • Success Tracking

You may increase ROI by concentrating on techniques that have been shown to work by evaluating which marketing initiatives result in better recruits.

7. ATS Customization: Tailored Solutions for Unique Needs

Every company has unique requirements and goals. Prominent applicant tracking systems provide high levels of customisation to meet unique recruiting procedures and workflows.

  • Custom Workflows

With personalised phases and automated triggers, you may create the precise procedure you want within the ATS.

  • Branding

Make sure that the Onboarding screens and communications you send to candidates reflect the business values and style.

  • Integrations

Your current HR software, like CRMs or onboarding tools, may be integrated with an open, extendable ATS to streamline data exchange and automate processes across platforms.

8. Beyond the Numbers: The Human Element in ATS Management

ATS are useful tools, but their effectiveness depends on the HR professionals who use them. Their potential is fully realised when technical knowledge is paired with soft skills.

  • Continuous Learning

The ATS industry is always changing. To get the most out of your system, keep up with upgrades, best practices, and new features.

  • Change Management

For any team, integrating a new ATS is a big adjustment. Involve your users as soon as possible to ease the transition and resolve any issues.

  • User Empowerment

Give your team members the freedom to discover and make use of all of the ATS's features. Regularly train staff members and welcome their comments.


As the Indian market embraces digital transformation, platforms like Techimply are becoming increasingly vital. By offering comprehensive software solutions tailored to various business needs, Techimply not only streamlines operational efficiencies but also empowers businesses to harness the full potential of technological advancements. Its role in the Indian software ecosystem serves as a testament to the country's growing demand for innovation and efficiency in the digital age. As businesses continue to evolve, platforms such as Techimply will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Indian enterprises.

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